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Have the capacity to travel in time, is a very powerful wish for many people, travel to a near past for fixing some action that you made or for preventing something that will happen in the future.
Of course, if I can travel I will fix something in the past or I prefer to acquire some knowledge for the future... and see which one of the many paradox about travel in time, will be born.

Ignoring that, our lives are ephemeral and surely I can't see with my own eyes the surprising of the future, but know the mysteries of what existed and are vanish for our register is tempting. Is a hard decision chose between "go to the past" or "go to the future" so I will prefer both options.

Resultado de imagen para piramides
If I go to the past I'd liked to visit many things too xD The first human that existed, but something more enticing will be know how look the ancient dinosaur and the ambient that they lived. See how the Egyptians did the pyramid, see the wild Vikings, etc. Be only the necessary time to see what I want, not more than a year I think  ... and if I had time, go to the Nazi Germany and kill the führer.

But if I go to the future, will be to meet all the new technological development and knowledge that we'll have, only for a short period of time, because I don't think that I will understand many things that exist in that time. Unless I adapt at that time.

Resultado de imagen para ciudad futurista
A cleaner future I hope


  1. Very nice post. Go to the future to take advantage of the progress in several areas would be so useful, for all of us.

  2. If you could go to the past you have a lot of imagination and that is so great, I didn't think in that amazing periods but now I'm starting to take into account!!!
    Great post:)

  3. Your post is weird! But in a good way! the things you would like to see are unexpected but very cool. And if we could to kill the Fuhrer, I would be there with you.

  4. It's a good post. It would be beautiful to see Egypt in its greatest splendor.



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