
Showing posts from November, 2017

My Bucket List

My bucket list is more like "my life list" and it's what I plan to do in my life( something obvious,for the name) , for now it's so simple, is: having a quiet life, no have any problems with anybody, buy a house in a beautifull place with a cold weather, make a family with the person who I love, have two sons, a boy and a girl (I always wanted to have a sister) take care of theme, have some pets (two dogs and a ferret), have a good job and complete my studies.Of course I would like to share this list with my girlfriend and finish it with her, have a nice a beautiful life with my love ^^ for naturals thougth, didn't it?  Maybe the more dificult one it's no have any problems with anybody, for obvious reasos, like it's something imposible get along whit all, always will be a person who hates something of you but is a detail.  Now I'm in the proces of completing my studies, but before was, enter to a good university like University of Chile or the Cat

Final post

I must say that I like the English class at university, especially the use of blogs, is a good way to use and practice English, but there was some topic that was hard to me and I can't let fly my mind. Apparently I need to practice all about vocabulary, because there are some words that I don't know the meaning, so I must searched. And the other thing is my pronunciation, I still speaking like "spanglish" but with the homework of recording a video of myself speaking about something, I practice this, and in the twenty try that takes me for recording the video, I should say that was usefull. And now, the only thing that I should improve is my hearing, provably the best way to develop it is listening music or watching some videos and the other thing is the vocabulary, but this one is more, reading a book/post/something, don't know a word and search it. Unfortunately, I don't use this language very often, and I don't have a partner to practice, but listenin

Study programm

What a difficult question, like many other university careers, there are some subject that are ... useless, in this one, could be "the pharmacist and his action", "the medicament and his evolution" and mechanic. But I would like to think that, this subject exist for a reason, the first two subject are for becoming familiar with the language, know what I should do and know some history of this career, but the last one, I don't know why. I can't talk about "what subject I would like to have", because, luckily, I know that finishing my studies I should know about chemistry and biology, how all these chemical drugs acts inside the body, where I can find these raw materials and some of the politics of the use of this drugs. Sorry, but I don't know more about the name of all these subjects that I should study, I only can say in general terms. Would be a dream if there are online classes or more "interactive material" I don't know how