My Bucket List

My bucket list is more like "my life list" and it's what I plan to do in my life( something obvious,for the name) , for now it's so simple, is: having a quiet life, no have any problems with anybody, buy a house in a beautifull place with a cold weather, make a family with the person who I love, have two sons, a boy and a girl (I always wanted to have a sister) take care of theme, have some pets (two dogs and a ferret), have a good job and complete my studies.Of course I would like to share this list with my girlfriend and finish it with her, have a nice a beautiful life with my love ^^ for naturals thougth, didn't it?
 Maybe the more dificult one it's no have any problems with anybody, for obvious reasos, like it's something imposible get along whit all, always will be a person who hates something of you but is a detail. 
Now I'm in the proces of completing my studies, but before was, enter to a good university like University of Chile or the Catolica, and now I'm here. 
I have some special thigs to do, like learn how to play an instrument an lear something of music, for now I would like to learn how to play guitar, then will be piano and for the last one violin,  also I would like do taekwondo, capoeira and another thing like that, for the last one I would like to finish some videogames that I bought before and having all the trophies. 


  1. you are the first young person that talk about have a family and kids and that kind of things... it`s so great because have a family dont`t mean a problem to complete your goals list.

  2. I agree with Camila. It is not common that young people have family plans at your age. All the description sounds great, so go ahead.

  3. Wow, you have a complete idea of your life! Undoubtedly it is a little ambitious in the sense there are many things but nothing that you can't fulfill. Try hard and you will fulfill it!


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