
Showing posts from October, 2017

My boring summer plans

Where I live, Los Andes, the sunshine hits very hard, especially in summer, and gives the feeling of do anything, when you go to the centre, perfectly it seems like a ghost town. When it is sunset, there is more life. In summary, I hate the summer in Los Andes. And of course, this is a good excuse to go to the beach, to take some vitamin D and sea salt for replacing the extreme hot of where I live, but unfortunately, I don't like to go outside ... it's more the laziness of the trip more than nothing, although I sleep all the trip. Usually, my parents go to visit some relatives in San Antonio and then we stay for a few days, I seize the time sharing with my cousins, they are so funny! Then I go to visiting some friends and having a good time with them. Personally, I want to do nothing more than rest for a long time, stay with my girlfriend most of the summer (it's a lot to ask), go to the pool, swim and be with my friends. Even if I wish to rest all the time I shou

Back to the ...

Have the capacity to travel in time, is a very powerful wish for many people, travel to a near past for fixing some action that you made or for preventing something that will happen in the future. Of course, if I can travel I will fix something in the past or I prefer to acquire some knowledge for the future... and see which one of the many paradox about travel in time, will be born. Ignoring that, our lives are ephemeral and surely I can't see with my own eyes the surprising of the future, but know the mysteries of what existed and are vanish for our register is tempting. Is a hard decision chose between "go to the past" or "go to the future" so I will prefer both options. If I go to the past I'd liked to visit many things too xD The first human that existed, but something more enticing will be know how look the ancient dinosaur and the ambient that they lived. See how the Egyptians did the pyramid, see the wild Vikings, etc. Be only the nec

Postgraduate Studies

If I am honest, I don't know what postgraduate studies I want to take. I consider that more late in the career I'll take a decision, so probably what I would like to study in the future, with my current likes, is going change. Another thing is that right now I'm thinking in some postgraduate no associate with my actual career, like a PhD in science physics or PhD neuroscience. Why physics? Because I love this science, is very incredible how, with only maths, you can model all the universe and all that it has. Don't ask me why I'm studying Pharmacist. And neuroscience is because I like to know how the nervous system reacts, more exactly the brain and how the subject reacts, the comportment of the humans and his thought, this is most associated with my actual career. The subject that I'd like to take, would be Physics, Quantum mechanics and Neuroscience.  Now, where I'd like to make this studies? Probably abroad, but some postgraduates that are making in Chi

My Future Job

It's hard to know what I want because my likes change with the time, but always I figured in a laboratory making some experiments, so my kind of job is where I can make some science either making some solutions, reactions or in some investigations. Of course, most of this can be possible in a laboratory but if in some cases I had to work outside, there is no problem. I imagine me in a factory making drugs if I finish my career, also in the forensic area analyzing some samples, I can't decide yet. I think that in a factory my only travel will be from my house to the fabric, but in forensic will be the same monotonous routine of travel and I'd like to travel to another country. About the salary, the money is welcome, I will not complain if I receive more money than I expect, I only want to do something that I like, even if I can't have many luxuries. I will study until the end, until my head let me study. But not only what I study now, I would like to study physics